What’s New from Barry A Biddle

What’s old is new again. What’s new is even newer.

Chances are, even if Barry made it 50 years ago, you won’t have seen it yet until you see it here.

Come back to this page to see what we’ve added to the website most recently, regardless of when it was actually produced.

Each image links to its own page where you can learn more about the art and find out more about how to bring home some of the joy for yourself.

Are you one of the Newly Groovy?

Are you one of the Newly Groovy?


"Groovy" was a popular slang term in the 60s and 70s. It could be used in several different ways. For example, when we talk about "feeling groovy" it means feeling happy and calm.


That's the feeling people tend to get when they look at Barry Biddle's prints from the 60s and 70s.


Thing is, once you're feeling groovy, you're going to want that feeling more often. Here's your chance…


Sign up to our list to get email updates whenever we have new groovy (i.e., cool) things to share with you, including EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS and news about more groovy art we've just released.


When you sign up today, we'll send you a pair of groovy FREE PRINTABLE NOTE CARDS (8.5x11 PDF) so you can make someone else feel groovy, too.


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